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Tag: work from home survival gifts

Working From Home Gift Basket Ideas for 2021

Working From Home Gift Basket Ideas for 2021

Work From Home Survival Kit 2020 $90 

Working From Home Gift Basket Ideas for 2021

Who knew so many of us would be working from home this past year? And, lots of us are still working from home – and will be working from home for a few more months for sure. We are hearing from our clients in tech that they will be working from home through September – October 2021. And, lots of them are changing their entire workforce structure to a hybrid of working from home and coming into the office.

We began to create gifts to improve your work from home experience.

We are so grateful to all of you for your business in 2020. We made a couple of pretty major pivots in 2020 and we have all of you to thank for that. Working from Home 2021 Gift Baskets was one of them.

At the beginning of the pandemic, we started getting lots of requests for essential workers and gifts for nurses. Then, Mother’s Day was upon us and none of us could really go shopping at the mall, so you called on us to ship your Mom some love.

Our next pivot was our Work From Home Kits and our Virtual Meeting gift

boxes. Definitely could not have forecasted any of that at the beginning of 2020. Sadly, we had to let our employees go at the beginning because of the shutdown. Then, in the late Fall, we hired two new employees to help us keep up with demand.

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Gifts For People Who Work From Home

Birthday-gifts-for-friendsWork From Home Gifts


Do you have a friend or an employee who could use a break? We call this leatherette filled with tea, coffee, honey, chocolate covered pretzels, cookies, chocolate spoons, and more Break Time. $90

We know here in San Jose/Silicon Valley that most of the tech companies are having all but the essential staff working from home. And, we all know about the ZOOM burn out, right? It does get to be a little bit tedious.

If you would like to send your bestie or your employees a Work From Home Gift, we have quite a few options and of course, we can always customize some for you, too.

We have lots of “snack attack” type of gifts. I will share a few of them here:

Snack Attack $45  BUY HERE


The Buzz Crate Work from Home Gift  $65 BUY HERE


More than likely, lots of our friends and employees are working from home in their pajamas and robe! We have really beautiful and luxurious work from home gift called the Bee Luxurious. $150. Free Shipping. Buy Here. 

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Employee Morale Gifts from All The Buzz Gifts

Employee Morale Gifts

Do your employees deserve a morale boost?

These are difficult times, for sure. And, everyone is spending so much time alone and away from their colleagues and the office.

Have you seen our Home Worker’s Survival Kit, yet? (And we have them in small, medium and large and 3 different price points.)

We have created lots of employee morale gifts over the last 16 years. The 88 baskets we made in this black leatherette with the big yellow bows were for an accounting firm. Aren’t they super cheerful?

You will love these gifts on our blog from March 2020. Lots of smiley faces to go around. More employee morale gifts here.

We have also created lots of new hire gifts for some local tech companies. We love working with our corporate clients on retirement gifts, new hire gift, thank you gifts, and work from home survival kit thank you gifts! We have fun creating with our clients and love bringing their own employees lots of glee and joy.

We created this for one of our corporate clients who wanted to boost the morale of their employees who have been working from home the past 5 months.  All of the zoom meetings get to be so overwhelming and never getting to see your colleagues in person can be demoralizing. These are strange times and the world is a little bit upside down. So, one of our clients sent the Work from Home Survival Kit to boost their team’s morale.


This kit has snacks, yo-yo, caramel corn, and vitamin c energize boost!  New times require new, thoughtful gifts. And, this one is fun, especially for those new to working at home. It includes coffee, snacks, immunity boosters, earplugs, fun activities like jump rope, yo-yo, silly putty, playing cards, and chocolate aspirins. Personalization is available.  (We can personalize with vinyl lettering, custom ribbon and it is just a small upcharge.)

At All The Buzz, we specialize in custom corporate gifts. If you have any ideas you would like to talk through, give me a call at 408-504-3703 or email me at and we can brainstorm and spitball and come up with something extra special for your department and company.

We have a super cool machine that allows us to put vinyl lettering on gifts and baskets. A really fun idea for company logos – especially on the metal baskets and ceramic frames.

In case you live locally here in San Jose, you are always welcome to come out to our workshop in San Jose (by appointment) and you can always save on shipping by coming and pick up your gifts at our workshop. (Just to text us ahead of time to make sure we are there.) We have been making gift baskets here in Silicon Valley for over 16 years, so we have a pretty robust “beehive” workshop on San Felipe Road.


Check Out These Beauties We Personalized for a Client

Corporate Birthday Gifts for Your Employees