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Personalized gifts for Administrative Professionals Day – Do You Need a Gorgeous and Effortless Admin Gift?


Admin Professionals Day is April  27th  and we have got you covered!

We have written a few blog articles about this day because it is VERY important to remember your admin. Your admin most likely talks with you and works with you more often than your partner or spouse. They often run the whole show and you may rely on that person VERY HEAVILY. He or she definitely deserves a gift or bonus, right?

This is the live link to all of the gifts in our “business” category and there are about a

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Virtual Christmas Party & Virtual Office Parties

Virtual Christmas Party, Zoom Christmas Party, Holiday Virtual Party, Virtual Office Parties – They are all trending!



Virtual Christmas Party, Zoom Christmas Party 

The possibilities for a virtual Christmas party are practically endless. You can tailor any of the ideas below to suit your employees and keep the festive joy flowing everywhere. We have lots of gift boxes and gift baskets that could make your virtual party a big success. 

This time last year we were shipping out a lot of ZOOM holiday parties, virtual Christmas parties, and a lot of other fun virtual parties that wanted us to ship fun snacks, gifts, sparkling cider, games, and personalized water bottles, cutting boards, mugs and more. Looks like there will be lots more of these parties in 2021 and 2022. Virtual Christmas Party, Zoom Christmas Party, and Holiday Virtual Partys are all the rage and really are trending!

Choose a theme and we can run with it for you! Employers will have to get creative and think of alternative ways to celebrate. So wave goodbye to seeing your boss hit the dance floor, and say hello to the not-so-new virtual party!

This gift is called the Holiday Party. $40 plus shipping. 

We have so many pre-made gifts that will work perfectly for your virtual holiday party, but we can also make a custom gift for your company’s virtual holiday party. We are actually CUSTOM gift specialists and have been since 2004. We can make 1 to 500 of any item with enough notice.

Pre-made Holiday Gift Baskets for your Virtual Holiday Party

Below are some more samples of our pre-made gift baskets and gift boxes that might work for your company’s virtual Christmas party. We would love to help you with your virtual Christmas party.


virtual holiday party gift



Fondue For You Kit  $65 plus shipping


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New Year’s is a Great Time to Reward Your Employees or Clients


Reward Your Clients & Employees

We have been planning (and kinda hoarding) inventory for this Q4 intensity that we know is coming. We have all been hearing about the supply chain issues for months now. We even rented a storage pod to help us squirrel away stuff. We really hate to let our clients down, but there is most likely going to be one or two disappointed clients this year….. which leads us to this article.

The supply chain issues have also created shipping delays – so that means after we turn it over to UPS, FedEx, or the USPS – we will not be able to guarantee on-time delivery this season. So please get your orders in now!

But, we also have other ideas and some magic we can make happen for you. What if you considered the idea of a New Year gift? If you are looking for a way to show your employees your appreciation for the great 2021 you had? Or, maybe you want them to kick off 2022 with exciting new energy and get them off on the right foot? This is a great way to reward your employees and clients.  Christmas Crate Gift Basket

Employer Holiday Traditions

Before Christmas became the most popular gift-giving holiday, New Year’s was the day to treat your friends, family, and leaders with gifts. In the tradition of good wishes and embarking on a fresh new year, most gifts symbolize wealth, prosperity, fertility, or luck. From ancient times to today, New Year’s is a time to convey your hopes for a prosperous year with a token of affection.


Our All The Buzz Gifts are curated by our in-house team of experts and include only unique items that will delight every recipient on anycheers-to-2022 occasion! From personalized photo canvases and custom mugs for family members who love coffee, thoughtful wall art prints and home decor pieces for friends moving into new homes, or even fun office supplies like desk organizers and paper trays for work colleagues; we’ve got you covered! We make gifting easy with our popular Instagram printables collection which includes trendy signs, quote posters, calendars & more!

The holiday season is over and you still have employees who need to be thanked for their hard work.

You can’t afford to let your employees go without a thank you gift, especially if they are part of the team that made this year’s sales possible.

New-hire-giftSolution: All the Buzz Gifts have got your back! Whether it’s just one employee or an entire department, we’ve got something for everyone! We also offer new hire gifts so that all new hires feel welcomed into the company culture. Check out this New Hire gift we have created for Intuit. We included this one because we wanted to give you some inspiration for your corporate gifting. We make this for them and ship them directly to their new employees, but this could easily be turned into a custom Happy New Year or Thank You gift basket. We can put your company name or a message on the bucket and the ribbon.

We will add a bunch more examples at the bottom. And, we could LOVE to talk with you about ideas that we can ship out after Christmas. Take the pressure off of you. Enjoy your holiday and let’s get them out to your employees, clients, reps, or your staff in the New Year. Email me at (You can even send me a spreadsheet with your recipients’ names and addresses and we can take it from there.)

It’s been a long year and you want to get your friends, family, clients, and employees something special for the New Year.

We can make gift baskets and gift boxes for pretty much any budget. $25 to $250 is the typical range. So, we can do small or more luxurious baskets. We have lots of ideas for you. Check out this blog article for a bunch of custom corporate gift baskets we have made in the past. We can even make a “California” themed gift box and include one of your custom Yeti water bottles, tumbler, coffee mug, umbrella, note pad, or post-its. We can also make custom etched wooden cutting boards and a whole bunch more fun goodies. We also carry lots of “born in California” products which can help to personalize your gifts. We have honey from Bloom Honey, sweet and spicy jalapenos from Sonya’s Sweet & Spicy, locally made chocolate truffles, caramel popcorn and so much more. Just email us and we can gift you a list of all of our products Made in California.

Here are some more of our recent custom gifts that will hopefully give you some inspiration so we can be sure your friends, family, clients, and employees feel valued and feel lots of gratitude from you.























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Thanksgiving Gift Baskets for Employees

Employee Thanksgiving Gifts

Employee Thanksgiving Gifts

Just because we might not all be around to show thanks together doesn’t mean we should stop showing thanks! Your employees, now more than ever, are likely craving recognition, interaction, and appreciation. We can help and make it a simple process for you. We can even ship each of your employee’s gifts to their home if they are in the U.S.

We have heard that here in Silicon Valley, in 2022, lots of companies were thanking their employees via a Zoom call or a Slack channel. And, we have heard some local companies giving employees an extra few hours off and taking them for a long lunch as a thank-you gift. But, in 2023, lots of employees are back to work 3 days or more and are ready to be clearly appreciated.

But, let’s face it, this 2023 is really trying all of our nerves, right? Covid is making a come back and we have a new vaccine coming. We have just the solution.

Customized and Personalized Gift Baskets for Your Employee

We can personalize all of our gift baskets and gift boxes. (Yes, with their name or your logo – or both.) Of course, there is a small extra fee, but we can use vinyl lettering or make custom ribbons for your gift. We can also make big custom coffee mugs, water bottles, and lots of other fun items. Our technology allows us to add their name or your company name to lots of surfaces and products. (The below gift is an item we created for the local Silicon Valley YWCA.  Fall & Thanksgiving Gift Baskets.


You likely know this already, but the earlier you order the better. Lots of supply chain issues and lots of delays from the big shipping companies. So get your orders in a.s.a.p.  Give us a call and we can brainstorm and come up with a gift for your employees. We have so many more ideas and items than we can really show on our website. The possibilities are almost endless. I will share more of our custom items below to give you some inspiration. Call or text me at 408-504-3706


We call the above gift box our “Fall Favorites” but it is so easily customizable and personalized! $65 plus shipping.



This “Customize Me” gift box is super customized – the box, the post-it notes. Everyone LOVES this gift.


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Halloween is My Favorite Holiday

Halloween is My Favorite Holiday

Halloween is My Favorite Holiday! 

Halloween is my all-time favorite theme and holiday. It may surprise you that we have lots and lots of corporate clients that order Halloween gift baskets!

Our workshop really starts to buzz around the end of September when our clients begin to order their Fall, Halloween, and Thanksgiving Hostess gifts.

We have several Halloween gift baskets pre-made, but you can also have us customize and personalize your Halloween gifts. Start by browsing our site and find your favorite Halloween baskets. You can also browse our Facebook and Instagram for some inspiration and then email us at so we can begin preparing for your perfect Halloween gift basket.

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New Homeowner Gift Baskets | Custom Gift Box for Moving Day

Moving Day Custom Gift

New Homeowner Gift Baskets

Our clients, Mosaic Mortgage Group,  hired us to make New Homeowner Gift Baskets and ship these custom gift baskets

(pictured below) to their clients that just moved into their new homes. Such a fun idea. Very creative.


Remember the last time you moved?  Such a nightmare, but Mosaic Mortgage Group came up with this idea to ship each of their new clients

a gift box filled with important items you they may be desperate for. (Like a toothbrush or a phone charger.)

You remember how it is trying to find all of your things all boxed up and moved by the movers. NO FUN! Being a new home buyer is so stressful.

Mosiac hopes this gift box helps make everything go a little smoother.

New Home Owners Gift Box

Mosaic provided us with some items (paper towels and toothpaste) and we made the custom Mosaic Mortgage mugs. We included the snacks, caramel corn,

toilet tissue, paper towels, phone charger, picture hangers, a USPS change of address form, hand sanitizer, first aid kit, tissue, notepad, pen,

box cutter, a pad of paper, pen, duct tape, tea and coffee bags, and CHOCOLATE, of course


Gift Baskets for New Homeowner



You can see this little guy is excited to check out all of the goodies inside this custom gift box.  We find that our lender and realtor clients are always super creative!









This is the official photo of the custom gift box below:



Paper towels, tissue, tooth paste, toothbrush, latte bags, custom mug, cell phone charger, a pad of paper and pen, caramel corn, toffee, choslate, hand sanitizer, USPS change of address form and so much more!










We also customized the outer packaging for Mosaic. It is just so finished and so adorable. I am pretty sure all of their clients are going to be very appreciative and very grateful for this amazing gift.

Can we make some custom gifts for you, your team, your company, or your family? Give me a call at 408-507-3703 or email me:

We specialize in personalized and customized gift baskets and gift boxes. We also have New Hire programs for corporate clients, anniversary gifts for employee appreciation, employee birthday gifts, and pretty much anything you can think of.

If you are planning on sending holiday gifts, please start getting your ideas together and get on our list as there are some product shortages and lots of shipping issues going on out there thanks to Covid. So, please order early so we do not disappoint anyone.

Need some ideas for Fall Gift Ideas?

Fall Gift Basket Ideas



Welcome Back To Work Gift Ideas

Welcome Back To Work Gift Ideas

Are you looking for some Welcome Back to work gifts for your employees?

What a wild ride it’s been through the shut down of 2020 and Covid/Delta 2021.

We have some fun ideas for you to welcome back your employees and your team to the office.

We have been busy making lots of “Welcome Back To the Office” gifts and wanted to show you

them and share some fabulous Back to Work After Covid gifts ideas.  We have a feeling your team is going to

need some motivation and to feel appreciated after surviving all of this intensity.

We call this Welcome Back To the Office Gift “Back to Work” and it is $175. Free shipping to the lower 48 states.

Buy the Back to Work Gift Basket here.







We have some more fun gifts and of course, we can always make a custom gift for you and your team. And, I found this fantastic

article 7 Ways to Welcome Back Employees After a Pandemic here. 

Your employees are the HEART of your business, correct? Well, we have a Welcome Back To The Office gift that can be customized and

personalize for each employee or each department, too.



You can buy this one for $100 here. 


Most of our business is custom and for corporate clients, but we also sell to consumers

via our website All The Buzz Gifts. And, we can even customize and personalize gift baskets for 1 off orders/ consumer purchases. Just call us at 408-504-3703  or email

and I would be happy to help you make your gift extra special.









Welcome Back To Your Cubicle Gift Ideas

Everything you need to keep caffeinated and satiated while working at home. Color-blocked leatherette tote is filled with a variety of coffees and teas, and unique, delicious accompaniments including cookies, chocolate spoons, honey, and much more. An upscale gift of good taste.

We can also customize this for your employees and we have other ideas for your work-from-home team if you want to discuss by phone: 408-504-3703 or email me at

This one is $90 and we do ship all over the U.S. You can buy this here. 

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International Gift Baskets Shipped All Over the U.S.

We specialize in custom gift baskets and we LOVE doing custom gifts like this one. We created this for a client who wanted a British-themed gift. But, of course, we can do all kinds of international-themed gift baskets for you. We can ship your International gift baskets all over the U.S. and make any theme you like.

Good day, mates! Couldn’t help but show off our most recent highly customized gift! Given a little time and creativity, I feel like we could create just about any theme! #customgifts #sanjosegiftbasket #ukgift #corporategiftssanjose #realestatemarketing #fungifts #damnweregood


This one was custom, about $225. It has so many things: a British flag shopping bag, coffee table book, stickers, gator mask, queen solar bobble, English tea, marmite, scone mix, Cadbury chocolates, personalized flag mug, and even more!

We have so many ideas for Australian-themed gifts, Kiwi (New Zealand) themed gifts, Italian themed gifts (though we did create a Pizza themed gift recently).

We could also do a sushi-themed gift with a Japanese spin. We have lots of maple leaves and can make a Canadian-themed gift. I am sure your imagination is running wild, too. So many options.

I can imagine sending gifts to employees to remind them of their home country. Here in the Bay Area, we have lots of people here working on an H1 visa in the tech world. I bet lots of them would love a little reminder of home. So, reach out. We would love to customize some gifts for you and your company or your friends. My number is 408-504-3703. Or email me at

International Themed Gift Baskets Shipped All Over the U.S. 

We only ship in the U.S. (and Canada if you call us to place your order and so we can figure out the special freight and customs costs). Think of these gifts as International-themed gifts, not gifts we can ship internationally.  🙂


If you would like to see some of our custom gifts and corporate gifting projects, check out our blog all about that here.

We have a San Jose-themed gift basket for $65 here. 

Gifts branded for corporate gifting with custom ribbons and labels. 

Custom water bottles, mugs, pins, magnets, ribbons, and more.

So much more. The options are endless. If you would like more ideas or more inspo, check out our Custom Gift Basket page and feel free to email or call me to we can continue to brainstorm for your custom gift projects.

You’re On Mute! Mug and other gifts


If the Pandemic has a rally cry, it is definitely “You’re On Mute!” Right? How many times have we said that during our millions of virtual meetings?

Zoom meetings, Facetime meetings, WebEx meetings, Skype meetings…. it happens on all of the platforms. We try to be polite and put ourselves on mute to cut down on background noise and then we forget when it’s our turn to talk. Then suddenly your colleagues all start motioning to you and pantomiming to you that they cannot hear you. ACK! “You’re on mute!”

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Admin Day 2020 : April 22nd – How Do You Thank Your Admin During a Pandemic?

administrative-assistant-day  Administration Professional’s Day is Wednesday, April 22nd this year, but this global pandemic gives us a new challenge of showing gratitude. More than likely, you and your admin are not working under the same roof these days, right? So, we have a few solutions for you.

We can help you look as smart and as efficient as your executive admin makes you look. We have lots of perfect gifts and most likely have a beautiful basket that your assistant will adore.

The basket in our featured image here includes wine from a local winery and tasting room called Left Bend. (And in includes this local vineyard’s best and lovely accompaniments.) Brie, crackers, Cabernet Sauvignon and other delicious goodies.  The picnic-style basket is reusable and will last for years and years. For an extra $5, we can include a custom ribbon with their name or your company logo.

Do you overwork your admin? Does he or she deserve to be pampered and treated like the royalty they are? We have another gift that is perfect for your executive admin and we call it “Bee Luxurious” and it will definitely show how much you appreciate their patience, skills and the professionalism and resourcefulness they bring to the table.


Bee Luxurious Gift Basket for Your Administrative Assistant

Would your admin prefer something more practical and delicious? We also carry this very sweet and spicy tote which

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