Essential Workers Giveaway from All The Buzz Gifts

Essential Workers Appreciation! A Super Gift for your Essential Worker Superhero!
We want to help you thank your favorite essential worker.
Enter our drawing and we will ship 1 Superhero gift to your favorite Essential Worker. And, at the same time, we will ship you a small thank you gift!
Your favorite Essential Worker can be any of the following and any we have not thought of:
- Grocery Store Clerk
- Custodial Staff or Janitor
- Nurse
- Doctor
- Convenience Store Clerk
- Fed-Ex Driver
- US Mail Carrier
- UPS Driver
- Respiratory Therapist
- Mental Health Therapist
- Marriage Counselor
- School Administrator
- Tech Person that Keeps Your Home Network Running
- Scientist
- Researcher
- Amazon Delivery Person
- Payroll Administrator
- Pastor
- Rabbi
- Grandma / Grandpa
- Lyft Driver
- Shop Owner
- Banker
- Real Estate Agent
- Warehouse Worker
- Long Haul Truck Driver
- Gas Station Attendant
- ZOOM Yoga Instructor
- ZOOM Coach For Your Kids
- Hair Stylist
- Travel Agent
- Life Coach
- Insurance Agent
- Police Officer
- Fire Department
- E.M.T. – Ambulance
- Tow Truck Driver
Seriously – let us reward them. We will put in a note with your gift and let them know you nominated them. And, we will ship you a thank you gift (the smiley face gift below). The winner will be notified by email to get your addresses on the 27th.
We would LOVE it if you took some pics of the gift and tagged our page @allthebuzzgifts on FB or IG.
Please use the hashtag #AllTheBuzzGifts so we can find it and share it, too. (Not required, however.)
We LOVE our First Responders and our Essential Workers and want to give them some love!
(You can also shop our site for your additional front line workers you would like to thank.)
We have a special page for Comfort and Thank You Gifts here and Essential and Frontline
Gifts here.