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Tag: essential staff

Essential Workers Giveaway from All The Buzz Gifts

Superheroes Gift from

Essential Workers Appreciation! A Super Gift for your Essential Worker Superhero!

We want to help you thank your favorite essential worker.

Enter our drawing and we will ship 1 Superhero gift to your favorite Essential Worker. And, at the same time, we will ship you a small thank you gift!


Your favorite Essential Worker can be any of the following and any we have not thought of:

  1. Grocery Store Clerk
  2. Custodial Staff or Janitor
  3. Nurse
  4. Doctor
  5. Convenience Store Clerk
  6. Fed-Ex Driver
  7. US Mail Carrier
  8. UPS Driver
  9. Respiratory Therapist
  10. Mental Health Therapist
  11. Marriage Counselor
  12. School Administrator
  13. Tech Person that Keeps Your Home Network Running
  14. Scientist
  15. Researcher
  16. Amazon Delivery Person
  17. Payroll Administrator
  18. Pastor
  19. Rabbi
  20. Grandma / Grandpa
  21. Lyft Driver
  22. Shop Owner
  23. Banker
  24. Real Estate Agent
  25. Warehouse Worker
  26. Long Haul Truck Driver
  27. Gas Station Attendant
  28. ZOOM Yoga Instructor
  29. ZOOM Coach For Your Kids
  30. Hair Stylist
  31. Travel Agent
  32. Life Coach
  33. Insurance Agent
  34. Police Officer
  35. Fire Department
  36. E.M.T. – Ambulance
  37. Tow Truck Driver

Seriously – let us reward them. We will put in a note with your gift and let them know you nominated them. And, we will ship you a thank you gift (the smiley face gift below). The winner will be notified by email to get your addresses on the 27th.

We would LOVE it if you took some pics of the gift and tagged our page @allthebuzzgifts on FB or IG.

Please use the hashtag #AllTheBuzzGifts so we can find it and share it, too. (Not required, however.)

We LOVE our First Responders and our Essential Workers and want to give them some love!

(You can also shop our site for your additional front line workers you would like to thank.)

We have a special page for Comfort and Thank You Gifts here and Essential and Frontline 

Gifts here.










Gift Baskets and Other Gifts for All Occasions


Local Honey | Mike & Niki’s Honey is Locally Sourced here in San Jose

Give sweet, delicious treats for any occasion with honey gifts and baskets. This special collection of surprises will make a great gift for any occasion! We exclusively carry honey from the Bay Area, which is from right here in San Jose, CA. We are proud to feature Mike & Niki’s Honey  They are Bay Area beekeepers and are in the Campbell area. Actually, they call themselves bee “rescuers.”

MNHCo is about rescuing bees and growing them to be strong, sustainable hives. Honey is a by-product, not a goal. So when we get honey, we are happy.

We Love Local and Sustainable Products for our Gift Baskets


We love to include local products whenever we can in our gift baskets, like this one we call The Buzz Crate Gift Basket.  This one is called Bee Luxurious and is a really plush spa gift basket.  We even include this delicious honey in some of our holiday gift baskets, like the Sled Heaven, but keep in mind that this one is a special order.

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Nurses Day Tote |Year of the Nurse | Nurses Day 2020

Nurses Day is May 6th in 2020! 

The awesome medical bag themed tote is perfect for your favorite nurse.

Filled with open & eat treats including dipping pretzels, chocolate caramel cream dip, caramel corn, chocolate cherries, cookies, and a giant crispy aspirin.

Totally customizable, add one of our keepsake gifts, or choose a healthy version. Personalized with names on the box or printed in ribbon also available. It can be made for an individual or group!

This nurse tote is only $65 and you can add custom ribbon with your favorite nurse’s name or a logo for only $5 extra.

We have another article all about the Year of the Nurse and 10 unique gifts that we recommend for nurses day. You can read this Nurses Day blog here.

We also have the new “I am a Nurse, What’s Your Super Power” tumbler for an extra special nurse.  You can buy this special tumbler for Nurses Day here. Only $25 and you can add candy to fill it up for an extra $5, too.

Do you know other essential staffers or frontline workers? We have a large variety of comfort gifts for your essential workers or your frontline friends.  These two blogs here and here describe lots of our comfort gifts and gratitudes for the nurses, doctors, researchers, delivery people, custodial staff, mail delivery people,  and more.  It would be our pleasure to help you show those people in your life your deep gratitude for all of their sacrifices during the Covid19 shelter in place.  If you would like a quote for some custom gifts or for a volume discount on gifts or gift baskets, call me at 408-504-3703 or email me at

We are in the Bay Area, but we do ship all over the U.S.

Nurse Appreciation Gifts | 2020 is the Year of the Nurse | May 6th is Nurse’s Day

Thank You Nurses!   2020 is the Year of the Nurse!

Nurse Appreciation Gifts : Thank You, Nurses! 

Wow, did the nurses association forecast that one well! I am pretty sure most of us always have tons of respect and love for nurses, but this Covid19 virus has really turned up the spotlight on nurses and doctors. We are all so grateful to the nurses, doctors, scientists, supporting staff, administrative staff, researchers, and custodial staffers on the frontline. We are so grateful for all of the essential workers.

Essential Staff and Frontline Workers, we could not do it without you!

“Nurses are superheroes in scrubs” as they say. (Be sure to check out our Superheroes gift bag.) It’s filled with superfoods and super treats, too.

May 6th is actually the official International Nurses Day and we have some really fun ideas that you can send to your favorite nurse. (We can also ship them for you to your favorite nurse or favorite clinic. We ship all over the U.S.)

We can also create Nurse thank you gifts in bulk if you would like to send a medical department or clinic some gifts to show your gratitude.

Check out these two local nurses! Aren’t these two women just so beautiful? Nurse Berit (Endoscopy Nursing Unit Manager at El Camino Hospital) in the yellow hat and serious gear. LOVE YOU, Berit. So grateful for our local superhero nurses! The lovely nurse in pink is the gorgeous Nurse Bernadette and she works for Stanford Medical. WE LOVE YOU BOTH so much and so grateful to you and your family for your service and sacrifice.

Nurse Berit

Nurse Bernadette

Here are 10 FABULOUS Nurse Appreciation Gifts you will love. 

May is the YEAR of the NURSE and we hope to send lots of these fun items out to your favorite nurses. (We ship all over the U.S.)

  1. I am a NURSE, What is your Superpower? This tumbler is a thermos and perfect for our busy nurses running back and forth all over our hospitals.
  2. All Nurses (and doctors) are Superheroes! This fun and the playful bag are filled with lots of goodies.
  3. Check out this ESSENTIAL water bottle/thermos. “Essential” on it. Don’t you love it?
  4. Happy Nurses Day care package! This care package is a fun box to show your gratitude!
  5. Thank You Gift Boxes with Bows. Perfect for a department of nurses or for your favorite nurse.
  6. Thank You Mini Box is only $8 and there is a discount if you buy 25 or more.
  7. Care Package for CareGivers for 15 to 20 people depending on how much you want to spend. It is customizable.
  8. Smiley Faces, everyone!  Itt includes smiley face tote, snacks, nuts, taffy, and caramel corn.
  9. Mini-Happy Hour for the nurse who needs a drink!  STAT!
  10. Bee Well Zen Gift Box includes a zen garden and other relaxing items.


zoom-happy-hour Thank-You-To-Essential-Staffessential-water-bottle






Testimonial: Our customer Tyler Risk sent us this note we wanted to share. Tyler spent a bunch of time at Valley Medical in San Jose as a patient and she wanted to thank a whole bunch of nurses with our Thank You Gift Boxes.

Shawn met my nurse friend at 615am since her shift started at 630am so the boxes could be hand-delivered… she was super helpful.” 

Coronavirus / Covid 19 Essential Staff and Frontline Gifts

We have lots of COMFORT gifts and other ESSENTIAL and FRONTLINE gifts and blogs. Click on the hyperlinks for more ideas.

I am a NURSE what is your Superpower blog.

3 Ways to Thank an Essential or Frontline Worker

5 Gifts to Comfort Your Frontline Workers and Essential Staff

If you want to order a large volume of any of our gifts, please call me at 408-504-3703 or email me at and we can discuss your ideas for a gift and we can discuss volume discounts.

Gifts to Give Essential Workers, People on the Frontline, and your Favorite Nurses and Doctors

Superheroes Gift Bag

Superheroes are all around us these days. As the saying goes, not all superheroes wear capes. This pandemic and Covid19 has changed all of our lives in a matter of 4 weeks.

The frontline staff deserves all of our gratitude. They put in so many long hours, risking their own wellness and mental health for the rest of us. They deserve a special thank you gift!

Even Google got into the gratitude game and created a “Thank You To The Coronavirus Helpers” Google Doodle.  Google thanked the janitors and custodial workers, who often get overlooked. Of course, they also thanked all of the nurses, doctors, and other supporting admin staff and all of the scientists who have been working tirelessly for the greater good.

There are lots of lists out there for ways to thank the people on the frontline so we thought we would create a list, too. We want to help you to show your gratitude to your US Mail Carrier, Your UPS or FedEx delivery people, the grocery checkers at your favorite grocery store and maybe even your Instacart delivery person.  Whomever it is what you want to thank, we are certain we can come up with a fantastic gift for them.

We were searching around for blogs and articles about how to thank essential staff members and we found this helpful article from USA Today with “15 Gift To Give Essential Workers During the Coronavirus Epidemic.”

Be sure to also contact us about gifts for large groups of people or customized gifts. We have several hospitals that we work with and their staff has absolutely adored the gifts we made for their frontline staffers. We especially love making gifts for all of these heroes and sheroes. It fills our hearts when we know we are making all of our gift baskets, but there is an extra special feeling when we make these gifts. You can email us for quotes and for ways to customize your thank you gifts. (We can do custom ribbon with names and logos, for example.)


5 Gifts To Give Essential Workers, People on the Frontline, and Your Favorite Nurses and Doctors

1  Care Pack for Caregivers  (More details here. Can be made for up to 15 t0 20 people.)









2 Thank you Smileys Thank You Tote (Buy Here and more detail about mug, cookies and taffy and more.)













3  Thank You Box with Bow (Buy Here. Filled with sweets, candle & lotion. Perfect for nurses!)











4  Mini Happy Hour Gift for your Next Zoom Cocktail Hour (Buy here.)











5 Thanks a Latte – Send a Coffee or Tea Break in a Box (Buy here. Cocoa tea also an option.)











Please reach out to us if you have a Superhero you would like to honor with one of our comfort gifts. Y0u can also email me at or call me at 408-504-3703.  Stay well, friends.

Need a Birthday Gift Basket? Read our blog here about Birthday Gift Baskets


BONUS – Just Added April 24th.  “I am a Nurse, What is Your Superpower?” tumbler in honor of Nurse’s Day on May 6th.

BUY Tumbler here for $25.



Gift Baskets and Other Gifts for All Occasions