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Gifts to Boost Employee Morale

Boost Employee Morale Gifts

Some projects keep us smiling all day! Just love the idea that these are going to a group working at home as an appreciation/ morale booster! I hope it cheers them! 

So many of us are working from home these days. These were ordered to boost the morale for a department that used to work together in the same office, but how they are all sheltering in place and working from home.

These honeybee gifts were created for one of our local Real Estate Agents and she was gifting them to her agents and staff.

bee work from home gifts

We love doing GROUP gifts for departments. We have lots of leasing companies, realtors, insurance agents, hospitals, clinics that all order 10 to 100 items for their special employee morale projects.

Call us if you would like a quote on a bulk or custom gift or custom gift basket for your project.

Call me at 408-504-3703

Lift their spirits and recharge productivity. Remote leaders must get a little more creative about how to reward their distributed teams. 

This is a whole new world for all of us, including your employees. We are just over 78 days into this quarantine and we are all feeling a little sluggish, distracted, and overwhelmed.

 Small gifts can do wonders in making your staff feel appreciated and motivated. We’re careful in creating gifts that are practical and affordable — this way you won’t have to worry about breaking your wallet (or employee-morale budget) if you were to buy in bulk for the whole team or the entire department. We even have a Work From Home Survival Kit gift here for $20 to $50. 

We can also customize gifts per employee or per department. We can add a custom printed ribbon with your corporate logo or with your employee’s name. That custom ribbon upgrade is about $5 per. And, we have a huge variety of colors and foil. The options are practically endless.

Would you like something special and unique for your team? Call or email me at or Tel: 408-504-3703 and I can create something unique just for you or your company!

Is your team essential?  This is a water thermos we made for nurses, but we can customize these for your team, too.

Gift Baskets and Other Gifts for All Occasions




employee morale, group gift, morale booster, pandemic gift, sip gift, smile face gifts, work from home gift