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Corporate Gratitude Gifts | Employee Appreciation Gifts from All The Buzz

Gratitude Gifts for Corporations

We had so much fun creating this Gratitude Gift for our corporate client Annual Reviews in Palo Alto. Like us, they are a Bay Area company and we love working with them! (We have a little insider friend there, too. Thank you, Lu!)

Their company had a virtual Employee Appreciation online, so we shipped these to each of the employees individually. We put in a note into the gift box filled with goodies and asked them not to open it until they could all open them together, virtually. So, when the time came at 10:30 they opened them all together and raised a toast to each other.

We had all kinds of goodies in the gift box, including stemless champagne glasses with their company logo. We added some sparkling apple cider for them to sip and toast with. We also included some yummy tapenade, crackers, Mediterranean dried apricots, chocolate chip cookies, caramels, almonds, and other delicious snacks.

When is the last time you worked for a boss that made sure you know you were appreciated? This seems like a great place to work. Gratitude sure goes a long way towards employee goodwill and great employee morale.

We Can Make Custom Gifts for Your Company or Team

If we can do a custom gift for your team, your department, or your company, please call me at 408-504-3703 or email me at and we can begin brainstorming for the perfect gift for your project.

Be sure to check out the picture of their CEO at the bottom of this article. Isn’t he adorable?

We love making gifts for corporate clients or regular ol’ people! If you work in H.R. or Marketing, feel free to reach out to me for a custom quote for your custom baskets or gifts. We can handle pretty much any occasion and can customize our gifts in hundreds of ways.


Corporate-gratitude-gifts Gratitude-corporate-gift-baskets






bay area gift baskets, Corporate Custom Gift Baskets, corporate gratitude gift, employee morale gifts, gift baskets san jose, virtual appreciation gift, zoom gifts