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Mom’s Day!

Mother’s Day is this Sunday, May 8th! Your mom is likely pretty special to you, and equally just as difficult to shop for. Sometimes I wish I could go back to the days where a handmade card was the ultimate gift! But, mom is still likely to enjoy any effort we make to remember her. After all, moms are like that! It also doesn’t have to be difficult to make sure she knows how special she is. The most important thing is to make a little
time for mom. A visit or a phone call means the world to your mother. And, a memorable gift, is always a nice touch too! This year, at All The Buzz, we’re loving the keepsake gift paired with gourmet treats! Something for now, and something to be remembered for years to come!

Let us know how we can help! We can even deliver it locally for you! 
And, Happy Mother’s Day to you, your mom, and all those mom figures in your life!

Shawn Parola

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