Author: Shawn Parola

Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus quis ante et etiam netus ipsum malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In dui magna, posuere eget, vestibulum et, tempor auctor, malesuada sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id fringilla consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames aturpis egestas. In dui magna, posuere eget, vestibulum et, tempor auctor.

Dear Old Dad!

Fathers day is coming up, June 19th! You definitely want to remember the special fathers in your life. And, we know dads can be very difficult to shop for. If you’re stumped, we recommend using one of their interests, hobbies, favorite things to help guide your shopping. It’s and fun and easy way to personalize a gift. And, personalized gifts always seem thoughtful, since you really thought about what they like! Do they love a certain hockey team (ie; San Jose Sharks) or maybe it’s a basketball team (ie; Golden State Warriors, of course)? Do they love to garden or build things? Are they a chocoholic? You get the idea! So, if you’re still stumped, give us a call at 408.504.3703, we’re happy to consult with you. Or, take a look at our website for ideas!

Bay Area Sports!!!

Have you ever? We have an unbelievable situation going on with our local sports teams!

Both the San Jose Sharks and the Golden State Warriors are in the finals. We are so lucky to be living the dream!

We’ve been asked to make a number of gifts for fans, and it’s so fun! We’re filling the gifts with licensed products like mugs, magnets, beanies, beads, etc, etc. Game snacks and team colors round them out! We’ve even had a couple of very special deliveries.

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International Nurse’s Day!

Today, Thursday, May 12th is the day to recognize all the nurses we know.

It’s no secret that they are very special people with extremely important jobs. Whether you work with nurses or have family or friend nurses in your life, it would sure mean a lot to them for you to acknowledge the hard work they do caring for and nurturing the sick and injured.

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Mom’s Day!

Mother’s Day is this Sunday, May 8th! Your mom is likely pretty special to you, and equally just as difficult to shop for. Sometimes I wish I could go back to the days where a handmade card was the ultimate gift! But, mom is still likely to enjoy any effort we make to remember her. After all, moms are like that! It also doesn’t have to be difficult to make sure she knows how special she is. The most important thing is to make a little
time for mom. A visit or a phone call means the world to your mother. And, a memorable gift, is always a nice touch too! This year, at All The Buzz, we’re loving the keepsake gift paired with gourmet treats! Something for now, and something to be remembered for years to come!

Let us know how we can help! We can even deliver it locally for you! 
And, Happy Mother’s Day to you, your mom, and all those mom figures in your life!

Take a Walk on the Wild Side!

I’m often asked what my favorite gifts are. And, while that’s not an easy answer, I know that one of my top picks would have to be Wild Gifts. You know the kind, animal prints and jungle flavors. They are so bright and eye-catching. And, they are great for so many occasions;anniversaries, love, kids, teens, birthdays, and even corporate occasions.

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Administrative Professional’s Week!

It’s that time of year again, where we honor those people in the office that make everything run smoothly and efficiently. They often know how everything works and what each person needs. They are heroes, doing their important work, often in the background. They are your administrative professionals! And, they are so crucial that they have a whole week dedicated to honoring
them, April 24th-28th this year. There are so many things that you can do, a special lunch and/or gift of any kind is sure to be appreciated. All The Buzz has lots of ideas.If you need our help, take a look at our website and pick one of our featured gifts or give us a call to customize a gift. We make it easy for you to be thoughtful!

Programs! Get Your Programs!

Many businesses have fun programs in place to attract clients, recognize special achievements, encourage social media check-ins or interaction and so much more. We are happy to help with unique prizes or gifts to mark the special events. Can we help you with a smaller novel gift to thank everyone that checks in on Facebook? Or, would you like to start a program like Plaza Dental has been doing for the last 10+ years. We bring a seasonal gift that meets their dietary guidelines at the beginning of the month. Patients enter their name at each visit, culminating in one lucky winner winning that gift basket on the last day of the month. They say the patients love it, and it has become a fun that everyone looks forward to. If you have an idea in mind or want to collaborate with us to get started, give us a call. We have lots of ideas and we’re happy to share!

Important Dates Are Important!

If it’s important to your clients, associates or employees, it should be important to you. Nothing feels better than having someone care about your milestones or achievements, whether personal or professionally. You know what I’m talking about, events like:
*New Baby
*New Hire Welcome
*Special Recognition Days, like Administrative Professional’s Day,etc.
Creating good feelings makes for better relationships. And, relationships are what it’s all about!
You care, so let it show!

Oops,did I do that!?

Mistakes happen! As good of people and businesses as we all are, occasionally things don’t go as planned. That usually leaves someone disappointed. If that someone happens to be one that you care about; family member, friend, customer, you would best make amends. The best way to handle mistakes in our opinion takes three steps. 1.Take responsibility. 2.Apologize & 3.Make a peace offering. In my experience, if you handle an issue well, you will be forgiven. We’re all human, people understand that. Just make sure to leave them impressed with how well you took care of them!

A Little Gratitude Goes A Long Way!

Thank you gifts are such an important part of doing business. It’s so crucial to show appreciation for occasions like close of business, referrals, receiving help, and so much more. Tokens of gratitude create a positive environment,build relationship,and encourage business loyalty. Plus,it really encourages more of the same, which has got to be GREAT!
Thank You gifts can be anything from a handwritten card to a grand upscale gift! We usually recommend that the gift value translate to the value of the recipient’s effort/sale/referral to you & your business. If you need help getting started with a Thank you gift or program for you, we’ll make it easy & painless! And, if you refer us to someone that needs assistance, you will receive a Thank You gift, because we will be most appreciative! Thank you for reading!

Customize and Brand It!

Don't see something you like? Then let us create a gift basket custom order just for you! You can even add personalized and/or branding items!

Save 10% on orders over $125!

Hey, San Jose and Bay Area Customers!

Why pay shipping if you're in the Bay Area? Come to our hive in San Jose to pick up M-F by appointment. 

4605 San Felipe Road
San Jose, CA 95135
(408) 504-3703


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